10th Jan 2025
About SSK (Host Organization)
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Shiksha Samiti Kalukheda was established in 1967 and is a registered society from Govt. of Madhya Pradesh. Initially the society was organized to improve the literacy rate by establishing higher secondary school in the 1967 on words and successfully run for above 25 years till 1992 later on which has handed over of Govt. of M.P. During this period above 2500 rural youths has successfully passed higher secondary board examination. Most of them become Teachers and got services in State & Centre Govt. Organization.
Later on in order to create over all development of the village Shiksha Samiti aidded to their mandate beside education, the Agriculture development and health with special emphasis to improve the livelihood of poor and socially backward classes i.e. SC/ST and woman empowerment. The main aim of Shiksha Samiti is to improve literacy rate among the backward classes. So that they can join the main stream of the population.
Shiksha Samiti established Krishi Vigyan Kendra since 1995 with the aid Indian Councial of Agricultural Research, New Delhi and Jan Shikshan Sansthan with the aid of Human Resource Development, GoI since 1995-96. Both the organization are doing well with coordination of State line department in the district and having good reputation.
The SSK having a good infra structure at village Kalukheda at Ratlam district like administrative building district, hostel (50 beds, Class room, halls equipped with modern audio-video, LCD projector to conduct various training programme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra. It has also SSK building of 08 rooms where teaching and vocational training are being held.